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Curious ideation: Reimagining solutions through different perspectives


In the world of design thinking, curiosity isn’t just a trait, it’s a necessity. A child-like wonder can transform our approach to problem-solving and ideation. By embracing curiosity, we not only challenge the conventional but also unlock a playground of possibilities that can lead to groundbreaking innovations.

Curiosity compels us to question what we know and explore what we don’t. This explorative urge drives us to look beyond obvious solutions. Digging deeper into the less obvious. Curiosity is about asking “Why?” as often as “Why not?”. It's about pushing the boundaries and exploring potential that would otherwise be overlooked.

Children have a unique way of seeing the world. Questions are frequent. Simple yet profound. Their curiosity is untainted by the “impossible.” When we apply a child-like lens to problem-solving, we’re not just thinking. We’re rethinking. From the ground up. It’s this perspective that can lead to the simplest, most effective solutions, often hidden in plain sight.


waymark curiosity


Traditional solutions and cutting-edge technologies have their place, but are we limiting our scope? Curiosity extends thinking. Beyond the current paradigms. Challenging the norms. What if the best solution isn’t a technological advancement but a return to simplicity? Embracing curiosity invites a broader spectrum of ideas. From the simplistic to the revolutionary.

To integrate curiosity into your approach, start with "what if" sessions that encourage free thinking without the constraints of feasibility. Encourage people to adopt beginner’s mindsets. This is where all ideas are valued. And nothing is too trivial to question.

These practices fuel creativity. But they also build a foundation for a more innovative and receptive organisational culture. Curiosity is magic. It can make good solutions great. It can make impossible solutions possible.

Through curious questioning and childlike exploration, we reimagine not just the problems but also the solutions we create.


How has curiosity shaped your approach to problem-solving? Please share your stories and experiences, I'd love to hear from you.

Book an Innovation Xploration below and let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible by embracing the limitless potential of curiosity.