
Using digital technologies to improve community wellbeing

Written by Jason Hylton-Jones | Jan 19, 2024 12:00:05 PM

Digital transformation is set to play a crucial part in the future of community well-being.

Modern technologies are uniquely positioned to solve a range of challenges faced by groups across the UK, including those related to economics, healthcare, social isolation, and education. 
This post will explore the main innovations driving community well-being and the ways in which leaders can implement them in their organisations, drawing on real-life examples of our client work at Waymark. 

Understanding digital transformation in a community-centric context 

How does digital transformation enhance community well-being?

At Waymark, we believe it comes down to inclusivity and accessibility. Digital transformation is fundamentally about providing all strata of society with the tools and innovations they need to thrive, irrespective of socioeconomic status.   

It utilises technology to streamline service delivery, automate administrative tasks, and enhance data-driven decision-making processes. By implementing advanced analytics, smart infrastructure, and the Internet of Things (IoT), communities can foster greater sustainability, resilience, and overall mental and physical health.

Technology as a catalyst for community engagement

In our client work at Waymark, we’ve seen that technology acts as a catalyst for community engagement in three main ways:

  • Online platforms and social media: Accessible digital platforms allow individuals to connect, share information, and mobilise for collective action and decision–making.
  • Virtual community events and meetings: Tools like Zoom enable virtual community events and meetings, fostering participation and collaboration regardless of physical location.
  • Data-driven insights: Data-driven insights help identify community needs, allowing for more targeted and effective engagement efforts. Insights can also help communities understand obscure problems in new and useful ways. One interesting case study covered by Open Knowledge relates to complex budget data that was analysed in a variety of ways, with results made available for public consumption. It helped facilitate a debate about the government’s approaches to public debt in British cities. 

Improving access to essential services through digital solutions

Digital solutions that have enabled greater access to essential and emergency services include the following:

  • E-learning platforms: These offer remote education and skill development opportunities.
  • Digital public service portals: Public portals provide online access to government services and information irrespective of location. 
  • Remote services: These enable access to various services (that would have required in-person attendance) without physical presence.
  • Automated information tools: Automation offers instant access to relevant information and resources and is typically facilitated by chatbots and AI-supplemented search. 

At Waymark, we’ve developed a three-pronged model to assess the readiness of smart approaches called the SAS framework. SAS stands for “Simple, Affordable, Sustainable.” This approach allows us to gauge the workability of solutions from the get-go, minimising risk and enhancing cost-effectiveness. 

Sustainable community practices enabled by technology

Digital tools enable sustainable community practices in three key ways: 

  • Digital communication: Low-impact and accessible digital platforms (internal portals, video conferencing, co-working tools, etc.) facilitate information sharing and collaboration among community members.
  • Resource management: Real-time feedback technology allows leaders to efficiently manage and optimise resources, particularly energy and water usage.
  • Environmental monitoring: Digital sensors and data analysis can monitor and improve environmental conditions.

The future of community well-being: Emerging technologies

At Waymark, we believe the following technologies are set to play a significant role in the future of community well-being:

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI will likely advance healthcare diagnostics and personalised treatments, improving community services.
  • Automation: In the short-term, automation will enhance efficiency across a range of tasks. In the longer term, it will significantly impact human-based labour-intensive tasks in various community services.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): IoT enables real-time monitoring of community infrastructure and environmental conditions.
  • Green technologies: Green tech will continue to push forward sustainability objectives with renewable energy and eco-friendly solutions.
  • Smart cities: More cities will integrate technology for improved urban planning, transportation, and resource management, often with a focus on community well-being.


Technology will play a pivotal and paradigm-altering role in the future of community well-being. The innovations occurring now are certain to drive major and perhaps unexpected improvements across all major areas in the next decade.

Leaders that adopt a comprehensive implementation plan can future-proof their organisations, delivering real and meaningful results well into the long-term.

Are you prepared for the digital transformation? Book your free Xploration now

Is your organisation taking advantage of the latest technological innovations? Book your free Xploration with Waymark now to learn how you can drive tangible improvements across a range of key areas in community well-being.